Only When It’s Love – First Chapter Preview!

Pop the Prosecco! My next novel, Only When It’s Love: Holding Out For Mr Right, is out on Thursday 7th February, just in time for Valentine’s Day. It’s a fun, feel-good, romantic comedy about self-acceptance, determination, love and the challenge of finding the one.

Sound like your kind of book? Fancy a sneak-peek? Your wish is my command! Here’s the first chapter to give you a taste of what’s in store... Enjoy!

Only When It’s Love: Holding Out for Mr Right, by Olivia Spring.

Chapter 1

Never again.

Why, why, why did I keep on doing this?

I felt great for a few minutes, or if I was lucky, hours, but then, when it was all over, I ended up feeling like shit for days. Sometimes weeks.
I must stop torturing myself.

Repeat after me:
I, Alexandra Adams, will not answer Connor Matthew’s WhatsApp messages, texts or phone calls for the rest of my life.

I firmly declare that even if Connor says his whole world is falling apart, that he’s sorry, he’s realised I'm the one and he’s changed, I will positively, absolutely, unequivocally not reply.

Nor will I end up going to his flat because I caved in after he sent me five million messages saying he misses me and inviting me round just 'to talk'.

And I definitely do solemnly swear that I will not end up on my back with my legs wrapped around his neck within minutes of arriving, because I took one look at his body and couldn’t resist.

That’s it.
No more.

I will be strong. I will be like iron. Titanium. Steel. All three welded into one.
I will block Connor once and for all and I will move on with my life.
I exhaled.
Finally I’d found my inner strength.

This was the start of a new life for me. A new beginning. Where I wouldn’t get screwed over by yet another fuckboy. Where I wouldn’t get ghosted or dumped. Where I took control of my life and stuck my middle finger up at the men who treated me like shit. Here’s to the new me.

My phone chimed.
It was Connor.
I bolted upright in bed and clicked on his message.
He couldn’t stop thinking about me. He wanted to see me again.
To talk. About our future.
This could be it!

Things had felt kind of different last time. Like there was a deeper connection.
Maybe he was right. Maybe he had changed...

I excitedly typed out a reply.
My fingers hovered over the blue button, ready to send.

What the hell was I doing?
It was like the entire contents of my pep talk two seconds ago had just evaporated from my brain.

Remember being strong like iron, titanium and steel and resisting the temptations of Connor?

This was going to be much harder than I’d thought.

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