About Me
Hi there! Very nice to meet you.
Whilst I love every second of penning my novels, writing about myself isn’t so easy... Where to begin?
Okay, so I’m a forty-something Londoner who loves cake and has always had a burning desire to write a novel. But it wasn’t until January 2016 that I was driven to take the leap. A close friend suddenly passed away and realising that life was too short not to start pursuing my dream, I set myself a goal to become a published author. Two and a half years (plus bucket loads of blood, sweat and tears) later in July 2018, my first-ever shiny book, The Middle-Aged Virgin became available on Amazon. It was definitely a pinch-me-is-it-real moment!
Seven months later in February 2019, I published my second novel Only When It’s Love to rave reviews (read more here). My third book Losing My Inhibitions was released in June 2019 and novel number four, Love Offline followed in November 2019.
I write under the pen name Olivia Spring to spare the blushes of those who know me and may read the racy sex scenes included in my books. Becoming an author has always been a lifelong dream and as writing is now my full-time focus, I am finally fortunate enough to call my passion my career. That means I get to spend my days sitting at my desk or in the park (and occasionally, if I’m really lucky, on a nice Mediterranean beach!), creating cool characters and stories to share with you.
Thanks for your support. Words can’t describe how much I appreciate you buying my books and sending me lovely messages and emails letting me know how much you’ve enjoyed reading my novels. It’s because of you that I am able to do what I love for a living and for that I am eternally grateful.
Look out for more novels coming very soon…
Olivia x